Tax Advisory Inline With Your Goals

Is your business structured to protect your assets, maximise your profit and set you up for retirement (even if this is a long way into the future)?

Business Consulting
Services in Sydney

By getting to know you, the long and short term goals for your business, and your family, we can work with you to structure your business to suit. It is important that we protect your assets plus ensure things are set up as efficiently as possible whilst maximising your profit.

Whilst retirement may be a long way off, it is great to have peace of mind that everything is set up for that time and that you are building the wealth and value of your business right from the start.

“To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.”

– Thomas Watson, Sr., former CEO, IBM

Family and Business – the lines are blurred

Gone are the days of separating business and family.

We are a family business and understand the unique set of Tax Advisory circumstances facing family businesses.

Let us share our 20 years of professional and personal experience and get your business properly and efficiently structured right from the start. We can help with restructuring existing businesses as well.


We work with you to ensure that your structure is set up to protect your business and personal assets and deliver the best tax outcome possible.

Retirement &
Succession Planning

We work with you to provide a plan for the future. Retirement might be years away but to maintain the same lifestyle – you need to start planning now.

If you need a plan to exit the business now, in 12 months, in 10 years or when you retire, we can help.

Income Tax Planning

We work with you to provide a proactive tax planning strategy. We can work with you on tax planning for specific transactions or leading into the end of the financial year.

Asset Protection

Running a business comes with risks, don’t let you assets be part of the risk. We work with you to ensure the best structure for protecting your assets from the risk of business as well as delivering a favorable tax outcome.



Implementing the best online systems to streamline your business.



Making sure your staff have proper training and support in all relevant processes.



Product costing models, forecasting, and valuable feedback from customers.



Improving timesheet management and online customer payment solutions.


Tax Advisory includes services such as:

  • Business restructuring
  • Asset protection
  • Retirement planning
  • Succession planning
  • Capital gains tax (CGT)
  • Fringe benefits tax (FBT)
  • Goods and Services tax (GST)
  • Tax planning

We know the impact individual circumstances have on business decisions and tax positions. We get to know our clients, both their business and their personal circumstances. This allows us to make informed decisions and offer the most effective tax advice.

We do offer once off tax advice; however, this process may take a little longer while we get to know you and your business.

Yes! While it is not as fun as selecting your logo or web design, it’s just as important. The entity that you choose can determine the amount of tax you pay, if you can get access to tax concessions, how easy it is to bring in another owner of the business or how easy it is to sell down the track. We work with you to document your goals and ensure that the entity type for your business complements achieving those goals.

Ideally you would start the process around 3-5 years before you would like to exit the business. It can take this long to find a suitable buyer or train a successor. But don’t worry if you don’t have that long – we can work with you to come up with a solution that fits your needs.