Business Tips, Ideas & Support Articles


Celebrating 75 Years of Abletts Transport: A Legacy of Excellence

At Inline Partners, we take great pride in supporting businesses that exemplify resilience, commitment, and excellence. This month, we are thrilled to celebrate a major milestone for one of our long-standing clients, Abletts Transport, as they mark 70 years in business! Our Partners, David Mah Chut and Christy Lim, recently attended Abletts Transport’s 70th anniversary celebration, recognising not only their incredible journey but also our own 23-year partnership in providing financial services to support their continued success. A Family Business Built on Trust and Quality Founded as a family-owned and operated business, Abletts Transport has grown into a highly respected leader


Celebrating a Well-Earned Promotion: Sherzod Norboev Steps into His Role as Manager at Inline Partners

Initiative comes in many forms… and Sherzod Norboev has never been short on it. It’s not every day someone walks in off the street, asks for a job, and then proceeds to back it up with hard work, academic excellence, and an unwavering commitment to growth. But that’s exactly what Sherzod did. Since joining Inline Partners, Sherzod has continually proven himself as an invaluable member of our team. His quiet determination and tireless work ethic have seen him excel in Accounting, Tax, and Business Services—all while completing his Chartered Accounting program. Originally from Uzbekistan, Sherzod arrived in Australia with a vision:


7 Reasons You Need A Budget For The New Financial Year

The dawn of a new financial year presents an opportune moment to reassess and refine your financial strategies. As the new financial year approaches, the importance of having a well-structured budget cannot be overstated. Recent studies have shown that Australians under 30 are leading the way in financial discipline, with many saving more than $450 each month by cutting back on non-essential expenses. This trend highlights the growing awareness among younger generations about the necessity of prudent money management. Whether you’re a business owner or an individual, a comprehensive budget can be a powerful tool to navigate the ever-changing economic landscape,

Page of tax calculations

What Is Succession Planning and Why Is It Important?

There is a popular saying in the business community – if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. But, with your business at the peak of success and a promising financial future in full view, it can be difficult to take a minute to consider what would happen to your business if you left. A 2022 national survey shows that more than 1 in 4 Australian business leaders do not have a succession plan for top leadership positions. Yet leadership transitions are an inevitable part of business. You may not want to envision a future where you no longer run


What is Entertainment? Is it Costing Me More Money Than I Know About? FBT

Ever found yourself scratching your head at the end of a financial year, wondering how those business lunches and office shindigs have bumped up your tax bill? Well, you’re not alone. Fringe Benefits Tax, or FBT, often catches Aussie business owners by surprise, especially when it comes to entertainment expenses. You need to know what counts as entertainment and how it can impact your tax obligations. In this blog post, let’s dig into FBT and learn how you can effectively manage these expenses to keep surprises at bay. So, What’s “Entertainment” in Business?   By the book, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO)


Why Your Business Needs a Budget

Budgeting (or forecasting) is vital to the ongoing success of your business. It helps ensure that, no matter what the world throws at you or your business, you’ll be well placed to negotiate the challenges you are presented with. In addition, it will assist you in setting business goals and KPIs, evaluate performance, predicts cashflow, provide invaluable data when making important business decisions and make your business more nimble when opportunities arise. So why, according to this survey from the US, are only 55% of small businesses bothering to do it? I suspect it’s to do with finite time and resources.


Tax Tips: Renting out your home

Have you ever thought about renting out your house as a short-term rental on a platform such as Airbnb or Stayz or through an agent? Whether it’s a new job interstate or overseas, a long holiday, financial troubles or a family member in need of a carer, there are plenty of reasons why a homeowner might leave their home (known here as the ‘principal place of residence’ or PPR) to move elsewhere for a period of time. Sounds simple right? But; you could end up being liable for more than you bargined for without the right planning. There is never a


Technology Boost 20% Bonus Tax Deduction

Under the technology boost, small businesses may be able to access a bonus 20% tax deduction on eligible technology expenses and depreciating assets which are used to digitise their operations. Dates: for expeneses incurred between 7:30 pm AEDT 29 March 2022 to 30 June 2023 (note there from 29 March 2022 – 30 June 2022 would normally fall into the 2022 tax return however the bonus for that income year should be claimed in 2023 tax return) Limits: Bonus deduction is limited to $20,000 per year (ie on expenses up to $100,000 pa). That is; 7:30 pm AEDT 29 March 2022 to 30 June 2022 –


Protecting a Legacy: The Challenges of Passing on the Family Business

When it comes to mixing family and business, there are two schools of thought. Firstly, it’s a bad idea as it will affect your ability to make rational decisions and force you to not always put ‘what’s best for the business’ first. Secondly, with it becoming increasingly difficult to find staff, employing family members is a great idea as they will be loyal and also personally invested in the success of the business. Obviously, there are a range of variables that will affect your perspective on this (such as whether your family members have a strong work ethic) but family businesses,